Inclusive Classroom Guides

Lesson Guides for Teachers and
Parents for all levels of $martPath

About the Guides

Teaching children about economics is bound to raise important questions about equity, like, "Why do some people have so much, while others have so little?"

We wanted to provide teachers and families with resources for guiding those important discussions in an inclusive way. We turned to an expert teacher to create a set of companion guides for $martPath that use the concepts and storylines presented in the lessons as a framework for productive discussions about inclusion and equity. These guides are meant to be used in conjunction with the $martPath platform.

The guides' author is Soroya Smith, Mason Elementary Assistant Principal in suburban Cincinnati, Ohio. In the guides, Ms. Smith offers valuable guidance for incorporating this content into classroom learning, and for leading discussions about these topics in school.

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These Resources Were Made Possible In Part By A Generous Grant From Fidelity Investments

Level 1 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I see that the way my family and I do things is both the same as and different from how other people do things, and I am interested in both. (ID.K-2.5)
  • Diversity: I find it interesting that groups of people believe different things and live their daily lives in different ways. (DI.K-2.10)
  • Justice: I know that life is easier for some people and harder for others and the reasons for that are not always fair. (JU.K2.14)

Level 2 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I see that the way my family and I do things is both the same as and different from how other people do things, and I am interested in both. (ID.K-2.5)
  • Diversity: I want to know about other people and how our lives and experiences are the same and different (DI.K-2.8)

Level 3 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Justice: I try and get to know people as individuals because I know it is unfair to think all people in a shared identity group are the same. (JU.3-5.11)
  • Diversity: I know that the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, is a part of what makes them who they are (DI.3-5.10)

Level 4 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I know that all my group identities are part of who I am, but none of them fully describes me and this is true for other people too. (ID.3-5.3)
  • Diversity: I want to know more about other people’s lives and experiences, and I know how to ask questions respectfully and listen carefully and non-judgmentally. (DI.3-5.8)
  • Action: I know some ways to interfere if someone is being hurtful or unfair, and will do my part to show respect even if I disagree with someone’s words or behavior. (AC.3-5.18)

Level 5 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Diversity: I know the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, is a part of what makes them who they are. (DI.3-5.10)
  • Justice: I try and get to know people as individuals because I know it is unfair to think all people in a shared identity group are the same. (AC.3-5.18)

Level 6 Inclusion Guide

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I know there are similarities and differences between my home culture and the other environments and cultures I encounter, and I can be myself in a diversity of settings. (ID.6-8.5)
  • Diversity:I am curious and want to know more about other people’s histories and lived experiences, and I ask questions respectfully and listen carefully and non-judgmentally. (DI.6-8.8)
  • Action: I will work with friends, family, and community members to make our world fairer for everyone, and we will plan and coordinate our actions in order to achieve our goals. (AC.6-8.20)

7th Grade Inclusive Classroom Resources

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I know there are similarities and differences between my home culture and the other environments and cultures I encounter, and I can be myself in a diversity of settings. (ID.6-8.5)
  • Diversity:I can explain how the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, shapes their group identity and culture. (DI.6-8.10)
  • Action: I will work with friends, family, and community members to make our world fairer for everyone, and we will plan and coordinate our actions in order to achieve our goals. (AC.6-8.20)

8th Grade Inclusive Classroom Resources

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I know there are similarities and differences between my home culture and the other environments and cultures I encounter, and I can be myself in a diversity of settings. (ID.6-8.5)
  • Diversity:I can explain how the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, shapes their group identity and culture. (DI.6-8.10)
  • Action: I will work with friends, family, and community members to make our world fairer for everyone, and we will plan and coordinate our actions in order to achieve our goals. (AC.6-8.20)

Puppet Videos Guide

Learning Standards

  • Identity: I know my family and I do things the same as and different from other people and groups, and I know how to use what I learn from home, school, and other places that matter to me (ID.3-5.5)
  • Diversity: I want to know more about other people’s lives and experiences, and I know how to ask questions respectfully and listen carefully and nonjudgmentally. (DI.3-5.8)
  • Justice: I know about the actions of people and groups who have worked throughout history to bring more justice and fairness to the world. (JU.3-5.15)
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